
HeinOnline bridges the gap in history by providing comprehensive coverage from inception of more than 2,500 periodicals. In addition, the database contains entire runs of the Congressional Record, U.S. Supreme Court Reports, the constitutional history for every country in the world, classic books from the 18th and 19th centuries, all United States Treaties, the Federal Register, the Code of Federal Regulations, and much more.

Available Products & Services

HeinOnline’s Government, Politics & Law, which contains more than 80 million pages of content (in PDF format) across 80,000 titles and 195,000 volumes of works, is geared towards institutions that do not have law schools but have an interest in academic topics like criminal justice, legal studies, political science, and history. To learn more about the content and features of this collection, please feel free to click here for a brief video.


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Participating Libraries

  • Lincoln University
  • Missouri Baptist University
  • Northwest Missouri State University
  • Southeast Missouri State University
  • St. Charles Community College
  • St. Louis Community College
  • University of Missouri - St Louis