Third Iron
Current Offers
Third Iron’s AI-Powered Expert linking removes access barriers and helps libraries optimize subscribed and open access content, which is particularly important when access to library facilities and in-person help from librarians is restricted. Regardless of where users start their information journey, LibKey ensures consistent linking and offers guideposts to create a direct path to content seamlessly from discovery services, databases, and the open web.
LibKey keeps your library at the heart of the research process, makes getting articles obvious, minimizes the number of clicks to full text, reduces frustration of waiting for pages to load, helps avoid broken links and paywall dead-ends, and decreases unnecessary helpdesk/ILL requests by helping users access articles immediately.
Contact us for special pricing on Libkey Suite and Third Iron Complete meets the needs of users looking for articles by DOI or PMID now more than ever because of sites like Sci-Hub. Information about e-journal holdings (subscribed and OA), authentication, and article linking is combined to create one-click access to PDF and HTML articles. Unpaywall data is used to deliver Open Access versions when subscribed options are not available.
LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that meets your users on the open web - publisher pages, PubMed, Wikipedia and more - to deliver guideposts using information about e-journal holdings, authentication, and article linking to deliver one-click access to PDF and HTML articles. Unpaywall data is used to deliver Open Access versions when subscribed options are not available.
LibKey Link minimizes link resolver pitfalls by using precise, identifier-based linking. No confusing menus to navigate, waiting for different webpages to load, or hunting for the PDF on the article page.
LibKey Discovery simplifies navigating your discovery service by dynamically indicating when a PDF or HTML article is available, from publisher or aggregated source, and then provides a direct link.
BrowZine provides effortless journal browsing and reading. The intuitive presentation of the library’s subscribed journals are organized using a powerful taxonomy to provide visually browsable and readable format with one-click access to PDFs.