Electronic Resources Documents

This is space where members and the E-Resources Committee can share documents and resources they have developed to assist in the management of electronic content. If you have something you would like to share please contact christina@mobiusconsortium.org

Tools and Templates

Provider Platform Status Information - Created by the E-Resources Committee to help members quickly find out information about platform outages and technical support contacts. 

Streaming Video Checklist - A handy guide developed by the E-Resources Committee covering important feature and things to look for when evaluating streaming video platforms. 

Fall 2024 E-Resources Marketing Contest Submissions

Harris-Stowe State University - Submitted by  Ashley Pejakovich
We used these materials on our socials to improve our online presence and engagement and to bring awareness to the digital services and resources we provide.

A&T Library Instagram
Digital Texts Decoded Workshop
Database Diving Workshop
HTC Yearbooks Announcement
Database Word Guess
Audiobook Month

Jefferson College - Submitted by  Olivia Lackey
Earlier this year, the Jefferson College Library developed a LibGuide/mini-course about the risks of plagiarism, intended to help students to get a better understanding of what it is and how they can avoid it (https://libguides.jeffco.edu/plagiarismguide). This flyer was printed and posted all around campus, and a digital version was circulated via campus-wide announcement board. Thanks to this promotion, the LibGuide has been utilized by both students and faculty alike and viewed nearly 250 times, a notable feat for a new guide.

Plagiarism LibGuide Flyer

Metropolitan Community College - Maple Woods - Submitted by  Erin Niederberger
We make a monthly slideshow highlighting e-resources that fit various themes and holidays.
Although we are still working on promoting Overdrive to our students, and multiple campuses contribute to our usage statistics, checkouts/downloads have increased since we began creating these slideshows.

Slideshow on Canva
Slideshow Sample Deck

Missouri Baptist University - Submitted by  Rachelle Brandel
We recently acquired Lean Library as a resource for our Faculty/Staff/Students to assist in their research endeavors outside library databases. We always promote research as a fun activity that everyone should enjoy doing, so all of our promotional materials were intentionally humorous. Many scholars have trouble finding resources, and to improve their 'sight' we hoped to encourage everyone to use Lean Library by offering a technology cleaning cloth so they could 'see' their research better. Emails were sent to faculty/staff and students, and flyers were placed throughout the library space.

Brush the dust off your academic research!
Lean Library Email to Faculty
Thumbnail Image

Missouri Historical Society - Submitted by  Levi Cullifer
The main objective of this promotional push was to drum up support for transcribing various materials from the Missouri Historical Society that are considerably text-heavy. As many know, it is hard to find time to create transcriptions and metadata for digital materials.

Evolunteer Flyer

Fall 2023 E-Resources Marketing Contest Submissions

St Charles Community College - Submitted by Julia Wilbers 
This was part of a plan to highlight a different resource each month with flyers, Canvas posts, and handouts at the circulation desk. November was Libby and a pretty sweet flyer.

Full Page Libby Flyer 
Half Sheet Libby Flyer

Maryville University - Submitted by Amber Spratlin 
After implementing Lean Library in August 2023, we created two marketing videos: one focused toward faculty, and the other toward students. We asked to be included in Dean's Council meetings, department meetings, and called a meeting with our Learning Design team to show them the video and encourage them to use the product. As a second wave of marketing, we began including Lean Library in library instruction as an equally-valid research tool as the traditional library e-resources. We currently have over 600 users, and the number of users climbs monthly!

Lean Library Marketing Materials
Lean Library Postcard

Westminster College - Submitted by Victoria Knight
While we have a small online following, these posts are fun to put together! They highlight all the books available on Libby through MOBIUS. We get suggestions and input from our student employees on what titles we should use, and even the shows/characters that we should use. Above are two examples of the posts we have made, but we also did one for Gilmore Girls. You can view all of these on our Instagram page here:

What Would Wednesday Read?
What Would Thing Read?
What Would Lorelai Read? 
What Would Elora Read?
What Would Willie Jack Read?

Park University - Submitted by Camille Abdeljawad Cook & Finn Bollinger
This year, we have utilized our social media platforms to showcase our e-resources! Included is a selection of our stand-out social media posts designed by our talented Library Information Desk & Marketing Assistant, Finn Bollinger. We have found that students not only recognize the names and platforms of our e-resources more frequently but that student utilization of these resources has also steadily increased. Students, faculty, staff, and administrators alike comment on the power of our curated social media presence and how it provides a fun and informative place for students to gain information about our services. Above all, these posts provide a platform for us to tell our story and illustrate our worth as an essential service to students.

JSTOR Instagram Post
Kanopy Instagram Post
Pirate Search Instagram Post
Statistics Instagram Post