MOBIUS Strategic Plan - FY2022-2024

Follow Our Year One Progress Here
Follow Our Year Two Progress Here
Follow Our Year Three Progress Here


  • Objective 1: Ensure financial stability with a solid and predictable revenue stream and sound fiscal management.
  • Objective: 2 MOBIUS will continue to provide strong consortium staff and governance that supports constituency, vendor negotiations, products, and services.
  • Objective 3: Evaluate assessment formulas, membership levels and partnerships to maximize cost savings and product access, ensuring financial equity and sustainability of membership.
  • Objective 4: Reduce costs and stabilize fees by providing a buffet of products and services available to constituents.


Year 1:
July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022

Year 2:

July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023

Year 3:
July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024

MOBIUS governance, staff, and policies will continue to be transparent and visible.

Continue to provide group buying power and vendor negotiation.

MOBIUS will provide a three-year assessment schedule so that members will be able to plan appropriately.

MOBIUS will seek additional and creative funding streams.

Institute policies and planning for membership increases and decreases

The Board will report annually a roadmap that communicates financial impact and considerations of membership assessment, consortia expenses, revenue streams, and investments that is more detailed than just a strategic plan.

Negotiate vendor contracts that enable scalability of services.

Explore membership opportunities in other states and with users of other Integrated Library Systems.

Explore multiple tiers of membership.



Consider new types of library partnerships, such as K-12, hospital, and corporate libraries


  • Objective 1: Assess constituent needs for new services and implement relevant technologies.
  • Objective 2: Ensure constituent awareness of the features of new and existing products.
  • Objective 3: Provide help desk support and vendor contact facilitation for existing MOBIUS-managed services.
  • Objective 4: Maintain awareness of the library software and electronic resources marketplace.
  • Objective 5: Advocate for development of software and resources to support the varied needs of constituents.
  • Objective 6: Explore and promote MOBIUS-managed hosted services (e.g. ArchiveSpace) to meet constituents’ library needs.
  • Objective 7: Research ILS platform, current constituent needs, and propose solution.

Year 1:
July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022

Year 2:

July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023

Year 3:
July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024

Explore and implement new service options that support constituents’ needs.

Initiate process for RFI to be followed by an RFP.

Pursue and provide professional development opportunities for MOBIUS staff to gain skills and experiences with existing managed services and software.

Pursue and provide professional development opportunities for MOBIUS staff to gain skills and experiences with existing managed services and software.

Support open forums and other opportunities for constituent engagement related to ILS needs throughout the process.

Increase MOBIUS staff and constituent library participation in product development and feedback opportunities (e.g. Innovative's Idea Lab).

Support development of resource-sharing systems.

Evaluate existing and explore new communication options, such as live chat or a shared Slack including constituents and MOBIUS staff.

Provide a help desk dashboard report to membership.

Provide a help desk dashboard report to membership.

Provide list of MOBIUS offered products with kept-current vendor rep contact information.

Explore services targeting public library constituents.

Coordinate vendor demonstrations, learning sessions, or market surveys of resources related to MOBIUS activities and initiatives.

Promote existing hosted services to increase participation and revenue.

Encourage constituent libraries to participate with vendors as development partners.


  • Objective 1 Maintain a stable platform for patron-initiated resource sharing.
  • Objective 2 Explore, develop, and expand digital collaborative collections.
  • Objective 3 Continue consortia pricing for databases.
  • Objective 4 Support digitization for sharing rare collections.
  • Objective 5 Continue exploring initiatives in open education and open access.


Year 1:
July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022

Year 2:

July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023

Year 3:
July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024

Explore resource sharing with disparate ILS systems.

Explore shared subscriptions.

Provide support and leadership in OER practices.

Continue and expand existing shared collection, including Overdrive and eMO.

Explore opportunities for additional shared collections and shared ownership models.

Explore opportunities to support conversion of previously published research to open access formats.

Support and expand access to journal articles.

Continue to support and expand courier services.

Explore partnerships and collaborative opportunities in both open access and OER.

Explore resource sharing of digital media.

Explore hosting and expanding digital collections for constituents.

Support and expand Vital.

Add shared collections in new formats, including video.





  • Objective 1 Solicit and listen to feedback.
  • Objective 2 Communicate the value of MOBIUS.
  • Objective 3 Encourage collaboration and mentoring relationships.

Year 1:
July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022

Year 2:

July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023

Year 3:
July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024

Develop an annual onboarding program for new library directors that helps them to understand MOBIUS’ contribution to their organization.

Develop and implement a series of webinars focused on different products and services offered by MOBIUS that promotes the product or service and solicits feedback from users.

Evaluate constituent data needs and develop a dashboard for reporting out data to constituents.

Formalize an ongoing program of listening post sessions that seeks feedback from all levels within constituent institutions.

Develop new systems and opportunities to foster networking, knowledge transfer, and communication among constituents.

Develop a pilot program that fosters academic and public library collaboration on services rendered to each organizations’ constituents.


Develop an ongoing marketing plan for communicating MOBIUS services and support to constituent libraries.



  • Objective 1 Maintain and enhance the MOBIUS annual conference.
  • Objective 2 Develop new structures and platforms for the creation and promotion of constituent communication, networking, and professional development opportunities.
  • Objective 3 Strengthen the awareness of training on products supported by MOBIUS.
  • Objective 4 Explore new modes of delivery for development and networking to meet the needs of a diverse constituency.
  • Objective 5 Utilize data gathered by MOBIUS staff and committees to identify development and training needs.
  • Objective 6 Create additional scholarship opportunities for participation in local and national professional associations.


Year 1:
July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022

Year 2:

July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023

Year 3:
July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024

Establish a Professional Development/Training committee to lead these efforts, outside of the annual conference. Collaborate with other committees to identify specific needs for constituents and to engage members as experts and increase opportunities for public library constituents.

Develop a leadership mentoring program.

Explore data gathered by a Professional Development committee to integrate with other existing data.

Develop an annual half-day (mini) virtual seminar that combines constituent communication, networking, and professional development opportunities.

Incorporate virtual channels like Zoom and YouTube.

Expand to other e-resources in addition to the ILS vendor products.

Maintain and enhance the MOBIUS annual conference.


Support 1-year memberships in PLA, ALA, ACRL, among others for individuals who have not been able to participate. Have these individuals give back to MOBIUS by hosting forums/providing training to give MOBIUS a direct benefit from the scholarship.


  • Objective 1: Study and adopt open source products that will enhance services for MOBIUS constituents and/or replace proprietary applications/software.
  • Objective 2: Support MOBIUS-hosted or adopted open source products.
  • Objective 3: Increase awareness of MOBIUS and our MOSS services for hosting and managing open source products.


Year 1:
July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022

Year 2:

July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023

Year 3:
July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024

Convey value of open source to constituents.

Exhibit at conferences where libraries interested in open source might attend.

Train Help Desk staff on current products.


Solicit open source requests from constituents.

Acquire more MOSS Evergreen clients and provide excellent customer service.

MOBIUS staff contributes code to open source projects.

Begin to plan for hiring another programmer to assist with open source implementation and maintenance.

Implement new open source products.

Encourage MOBIUS and MOSS libraries to participate in open source communities and participate in demonstrations of products.

Demonstrate identified products to constituent library staff and receive feedback.

MOBIUS staff continues and/or expands involvement with open source software and communities.


Have current user libraries assist with product demonstrations.



Past Strategic Plans

MOBIUS 2018-2021 Strategic Plan
MOBIUS 2016-2018 Strategic Plan
MOBIUS 2012-2015 Strategic Plan
​MOBIUS 2009-2013 Strategic Plan