Help Desk Routine Operations

Record Loading

Types of Record Loads

Bibliographic:  The MOBIUS Help Desk loads bibliographic records for print and electronic materials from a wide variety of vendors, including but not limited to Baker & Taylor, Coutts, Ebrary, Emery-Pratt, EBSCO, MARCIVE, Midwest Library Service, NAXOS, OCLC, Serials Solutions/ProQuest, and YBP.  The bibliographic records are loaded into the local catalogs along with accompanying item, order, or checkin records, according to the specifications outlined by the library.  

Patron:  MOBIUS loads patron records for over 60 member institutions.  Files of patron information are compiled by the member libraries and transferred to the dropbox on our secure copy server.  The files are retrieved, preprocessed, and loaded into the local systems.  Load statistics are forwarded via email to the libraries.  MOBIUS automates as many of the patron loads as possible, allowing patron records to be loaded on a daily basis, or as often as needed. 

Routine Operations

The MOBIUS Help Desk oversees a wide variety of routine maintenance operations, which are conducted on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis.  These include outputting records from the local databases to send to various vendors for processing, running reports for the member libraries, and monitoring scripted processes on the servers.

Exporting Records

EBS (Electronic Batchload Service):  The Help Desk creates files of all items that are flagged to be sent to OCLC to have the library’s holdings code added or cancelled.  The records are exported from the local systems on a weekly basis and sent to OCLC for all participating institutions.  The Help Desk then updates the item records to show they were sent, and an OCLC report of records is forwarded to the participating libraries.

LHR (Local Holdings Records):  The Help Desk creates review files of new or updated checkin records that are flagged to have the LHR updated at OCLC.  The holdings records are exported from the local systems on a quarterly basis for all participating libraries and sent to OCLC.  The Help Desk then codes the checkin records to show the holdings were sent, and an OCLC report of records is forwarded to the participating libraries.