GIDEON (Global Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology Online Network), with its unmatched depth of content, is globally acknowledged as the most exhaustive database of its kind and the definitive resource in the field of Infectious Diseases. Used in 217 countries and territories, it serves as an exceptional platform for educators in public health, microbiology, and medical classes.
Renowned organizations and academic institutions, including the World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), Stanford, Harvard, Yale, Emory, and McGill universities place their trust in GIDEON's robust data and interactive tools. GIDEON is updated daily by a global multidisciplinary team of medical scientists.
Watch a 10min overview of the GIDEON platform here
Need inspiration for your public health, epidemiology, microbiology, or medical lectures? Download our FREE lesson plans here!
- 300,000+ hand-picked, expert-reviewed references
- 100,000+ prevalence and seroprevalence surveys
- 28,000+ outbreaks, going back to 1348AD
- 39,000+ graphs
- 25,000+ country notes
- 17,000+ case series
- 3,000+ images
- 30,000+ drug and vaccine trade names
- 235 countries and territories, monitored daily
- 2,000+ medically important pathogens
- 145 laboratory test
- 426 eBooks, offered free of charge to GIDEON subscribers
- 300+ papers used GIDEON as their data source over the past few years
10 Ways GIDEON Supports Students
GIDEON for Systematic Reviews
Elevate Your Infectious Disease Education
MOBIUS members are eligible for discounted pricing. Would you like to learn more? You can book a no-obligation 15 min demo here.